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Special Feature
Appaloosa Photos From Somewhere In
Time.(New photo added 14 January 2002.)
15 Jul 2004 Updated the registries listing with
current information for the Appaloosa Sport Horse Association (thanks to Nina Biehler,
Executive Director, ApSHA, for this update.
28 Mar 2004 Made a change to the pedigree of Mansfield's Comanche, changing the pedigree of his sire,
Dr. Howard (TB). This change affects the pedigrees of other horses listed at this web
site, such as: Caliente's Baldy, Double Six Domino, Ha Dar Hadley, High Sign,
Ima Doc O'Lena, Navajo Britches, Top Hat H., Wego For Cash, and Whats Up Ghost.
Numerous other sources will still list the sire of Mansfield's Comanche as The Porter
(Sweep - Ballet Girl) and the dam as Janet Blair (Sir Martin - Frizeur). Thoroughbred
records do not confirm that pedigree. The TB Remount stallion Dr. Howard is most
likely the one sired by Handsel (Hanover - Tarantella) and out of Grace Navarre
(Henry Of Navarre - E S J). (Thanks to research by Pat Mefferd, Susan Larkin, and
23 Mar 2004 R Magic Moment was inducted into the Racing Hall of Fame. For
2003, and for the third year in a row, no horse was inducted into the ApHC Hall of Fame.
14 Feb 2004 Made a couple of changes to the pedigree of Prince Plaudit. The sire of Lassie was shown as Booger Red,
AQHA 6491. That has been changed. That Booger Red was foaled in 1939, while the
grandson, Jauquin, ApHC F-801, was foaled in 1941 - too close. Also, the dam of
Lassie, is listed as a Blue Mare, but that is not to indicate that she was the Peavy's
Blue Mare (by Bob H and out of a Primero mare) found in the pedigrees of Bright Zip,
Goer, J & B's Spotted Fawn, Cooterville Norell's Littlered, Mighty Marshall (in
pedigree of Marshall Two Dot at this web site), Peavy Bimbo, Starza's Pine, Three
Suns, Wapiti, etc.
13 Jan 2004 Completed the sire and dam information for the horses that have
been named ApHC Supreme Champions (thanks to ApHC's
Registration Department folks).
12 Jan 2004 Made hundreds of entries to the ApHC National
and World Champions listings, adding sire and dam info and breed info of sire and dam
if other that ApHC, if breed in known.
5 Jan 2004 Added an article about Sir Wrangler (thanks to Michelle Anderson's article in the
January 2004 Appaloosa Journal.)
4 Jan 2004 Added the 2003 ApHC World Champions,
thanks to the January 2004 issue of Appaloosa Journal.
4 Jan 2004 Filled in a hundred or so sire-dam entries for ApHC National and World
Champions from the beginning through 1985 (thanks to Sally Stoltzenburg's book,
The Recorder and a little help from the folks at ApHC's Registration Dept.)
2 Jan 2004 Completed the listing of sire and dam information for the horses
that have been named ApHC's World's Best Appaloosa
for 1982 - 2003 (thanks to Sally Stoltzenburg's book and the folks at ApHC's Registration
2 Jan 2004 Added article about ApHC Hall of Fame mare Bendi Charge (thanks to Bill and Iris Snyder).
22 Dec 2003 Added contact information for the Appaloosa Sport Horse Association and International Spotted Horse Registry Association, Inc,
registries for spotted horses.
15 Dec 2003 Added sire and dam information to many of the ApHC World
Champions for 1961 through 1979, (thanks to Sally Stoltzenburg and her publication
The Recorder, Vol. 3. Get more info about this book from Sally at HorseSpot@aol.com).
30 August 2003 Award-winning equine
historian Frank Holmes has put together a study of some of the most influential
foundation Appaloosas. With 288 pages and more than 300 photographs, Frank draws
upon in-depth interviews with pioneer men and women who championed the breed as he
details the lives of 25 horses that anchor so many pedigrees of today's Appaloosas.
If you don't wait too long, you can obtain a copy of "Spotted Pride" (click on
the cover below for more information about the book) |
Copies are available from the
Appaloosa Horse Club, or directly from LOFT
Enterprises LLC, Email: caryvale@tctelco.net
  Order form |
Links on each side of this page should take you to where you want to go today.

It was
an honor to have this web site featured as a Tripod SuperSite. The site was
featured in Tripod's Home & Family section during the week that began March 16,
2000. |
This site was last updated 15 July 2004
This is not an official site of the Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC).
Every effort has been made to make the information on the pedigrees listed within this
web site as complete and accurate as possible. It must be understood that errors or
omissions may occur as a result of incorrect data being received from other sources,
errors made in processing or data entry or other undefined causes. Tripod and this
site's webmaster disclaim responsibility for any loss or damage, if any, that occurs or
is alleged to occur as a result of information contained in this web site. Errors in
information at this site should be brought to the attention of

ApHC Hall of Fame
ApHC World's Best Appaloosas
"What Is An Appaloosa"
written by a legend in the history of the breed.
"The Appaloosa -- Mother Nature's Most Favored
Member of the Equine Family" 3-part article by Cecil Dobbin
"It Takes An Appaloosa to Produce An Appaloosa"
written by Cecil Dobbin
Take a trip back in time and read about
"The Arabian-Blooded Appaloosa"
"The Good Ol' Days"
One ol' horse lover writing about another
Go to the
Index of Articles
Appaloosa Photos From
Somewhere In Time